Here are two pieces of exciting extra news for you!
June 2021
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New: INTO Places Scheme Launched

As you are no doubt already aware the International National Trusts Organisation, (INTO), is the umbrella body for the worldwide family of heritage organisations, which come together to share experience, ideas and resources; to grow the capacity of existing trusts and establish new trusts in countries where they do not currently exist; and to be a global voice for matters of common concern. One of the ways, identified by the Board of Trustees, of strengthening what it means to be part of the INTO family, is reciprocal visiting.

Reciprocal visiting
INTO has been working with the world's heritage trusts to make your membership go further!

The NTZ is proud to say that it is member of the recently launched ‘INTO Passport to Places’ scheme. We are super pleased to announce that you now have access to enter sites cared for by INTO members who have all agreed to extend reciprocal visiting privileges Your NTZ card is your ‘passport’ to free entry to some of the most amazing places around the world.

This map shows the many places where your NTZ membership is currently welcomed:

INTO Reciprocity Map
- NEW: The Trust is continuing to work to enhancing your 'visitor experience' at our sites. We are very pleased to announce that a Bird Hide (our first) has recently been officially opened at WV. The hide is nestled in the southern slopes of the Nyanga escarpment. The new hide will provide a private, secluded area where small groups can sit in comfort in a well sheltered space away from the elements. It has a small viewing platform overlooking the valley: a great bird watching spot!

- NEW: Publication

As you may already know Sir Stephen and Lady Courtauld hosted an extraordinary range of guests from all over the world and from many walks of life to La Rochelle who were invited to sign their names with a diamond tipped stylus on several glass window panels in the sitting room. Over the past eight years three volunteers have documented 898 signatures with the aim of learning a little about the history of each guest.

The Trust is proud to announce that the authors: Mrs Nina Bauer and Mrs Heather White have recently published a book which identifies the signatures of guests between the period 1954-1970. The publication provides a fascinating glimpse of signatories ranging from African nationalist activities, political figures from various parties, prominent musicians, dancers actors and artists, historians, British aristocracy, local residents and more. The Trust would like to acknowledge their herculean efforts and the tremendous amount of work and time that they have given to the Trust and we are extremely grateful for them choosing the Trust to be the sole financial beneficiary of their work.

Furthermore, the Trust has been working on a collaborative book project across several continents: Australia, Canada, UK and Zimbabwe towards the production of an e-book and a printed book (both to raise funds for the Trust). Huge thanks go to Heather White for donating the ISBN number required for the book publication and to Catherine Leonard and Bill Turner of INTO for their unwavering support in providing the technical means to make the e-book a reality. NEW: We will be announcing the date of the Signature Books (hard and soft) very soon!
We are looking forward to bringing you more updates and news to your inbox! Keep warm, keep well, keep happy! Best wishes from your NTZ team in Zimbabwe!