By Sharon Waterworth
Join the many people that visit the unique public display of ancient manuscripts, photographs and other exhibits of interest
relating to Nyanga and persons and events connected with its history and development on display at the Rhodes Nyanga
Historical Museum. The museum is a National Trust of Zimbabwe property. It was built in 1897 by Mr Marks a stonemason
for Cecil John Rhodes and it is located in the Rhodes Nyanga National Park.
On his death in 1902, his Nyanga Estate was bequeathed in trust to the people of Zimbabwe. In May, 1974 the National Trust Zimbabwe acquired the right to occupy the building for the public display of manuscripts, photographs and other exhibits of
interest. Which means the museum celebrated its 40th Anniversary in 2014.
Connect with the present and the past as you wander around the fascinating exhibits on show inside a historical building known as Rhodes Stables. Enjoy the memorabilia depicting the life and times of early Zimbabwe, from the Stone Age to modern times together with the art, culture and traditions of this beautiful area.
The Museum is now larger than ever………..
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