At the 2015 International Conference National Trust held in Cambridge, UK the Africa Regional Forum was established, the NTZ is a full time member and holds the current Chair.
The vision, mission statement, terms of reference and aims of the INTO Africa Forum are as follows:
A vibrant network of African Heritage Organisations, who are active in protecting and promoting the Continent’s Cultural Heritage.
Mission statement
The INTO Africa Group brings together like-minded National Trusts and Heritage Organisations, from across the Continent to share ideas and resources and to develop a Continent wide voice and influence on heritage matters.
Terms of Reference/Aims and Objectives:
The Group will concern itself with the conservation of natural heritage, intangible and tangible cultural heritage including architectural heritage.
The aims of the group are:
To enhance communication, share experiences and knowledge between entities existing and operating across Africa in the heritage and cultural fields
To create a globally influential group of interested African parties for action on heritage matters within and outside of INTO and, where possible, to act as a group in unison, on matters of mutual interest.
To support national entities in their individual activities as an African group or regionally wherever possible and/or required
To mobilise skills and resources between nations and regions across Africa and, where appropriate, to implement joint projects/activities
To co-ordinate an African Heritage Day to promote conservation of cultural and natural heritage in and across Africa and to thereby also promote African heritage globally
To act as a conduit for African heritage organisations that may eventually wish to join INTO eventually
The NTZ responded to a call for proposals to host the Inaugural Pan Africa Forum Conference and we are proud to announce that we won!
NTZ is planning to involve other Zimbabwe organizations involved in the heritage and culture fields includuing the National Gallery of Zimbabwe, National Museums and Monuments Zimbabwe ; UNESCO (Regional Office based in Harare); local Diplomatic Embassies supporting heritage and cultural projects; History Society of Zimbabwe; Environmental NGO’s and Societies etc
The NTZ is looking forward to hosting conference which will result in a powerful network for NTZ and significantly raise the profile of NTZ and of Zimbabwe and assist in future heritage project funding opportunities locally and regionally.
Members of the Africa Forum Committee discussing the conference at the recent International
Conference National Trust held in Bali