Tributes to the late Edone Ann Logan

Edone Ann, Chairman of the RHNE welcoming members of the Matimba Family

NTZ Executive Members Tributes to Edone Ann Logan

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Edone Ann Logan on 1st March 2023, born 8th September 1939.

Members from the Executive Council of The National Trust of Zimbabwe (NTZ) would like to extend their deepest sympathies to all of Edone’s family and friends.

Tributes from the Executive Council:

I would like to pay humble tribute to one of its most influential, passionate, knowledgeable and hardworking members of recent times, without whose involvement, NTZ and particularly the Rhodes Nyanga Historical Exhibition (RNHE), would not be anything like it stands today!

On 20 April 2011, in the presence of National Trust members, a meeting was held to establish a committee to represent the formation of the RNHE when Edone-Ann was elected to lead the team as Chairperson.  She heartily agreed, having been deeply involved with creating the Museum in the past as her late father, Dick Petheram, (who we believe) started the RNHE around 1974. Edone-Ann lost no time in arranging for the first formal Committee Meeting of the RNHE which was held on 30 May 2011.

From then onwards her incredible enthusiasm, vision, desires, dedication and drive to achieve her goal of a complete revival of the RNHE was exceptional.  Thus, with her very obliging and hardworking husband Aubrey and the rest of the team, her ambitions came to fruition although she always vowed there was still much more to do.

Edone-Ann was instrumental in bringing Women’s Institute memorabilia (where she had also been heavily involved) to RNHE and creating a number of other new additions to RNHE covering numerous Nyanga historical and local cultural exhibitions, an extensive timeline display covering the history of the country since the late 1800’s, an exhibition on the country’s medical history, another exhibition including the actual bed that Aubrey used as a youngster and persuading Aubrey to recondition and deliver antiquated farm machinery now on display at RNHE. Edone-Ann also supervised the creation of the reading library at RNHE which displays a lot of Don Grainger memorabilia and contains a wide range of historical literature. There were numerous other exhibitions, memorabilia and activities undertaken under Edone-Ann’s successful guidance that are too numerous to mention here, unfortunately.

These valuable contributions live on in memory of both Edone-Ann and Aubrey’s very significant contribution to Zimbabwe’s heritage exhibitions for the future visitors to the RNHE.

Very reluctantly, after ten years at the helm, it became necessary to hand over the ropes as they moved to Harare for medical reasons.  Needless to say, Edone was sorely missed by the RNHE Committee, her Nyanga friends and long-time workmates.

Edone-Ann’s record keeping and heritage knowledge was incredible. She continually produced documents from her “archives” at home to answer questions on many historical matters.

Edone-Ann stimulated a very successful fund raising appeal with the help of the Historical Society of Zimbabwe, during/the Covid Pandemic, during which time the RNHE would have ceased to exist, were it not for the funds raised as a result. Edone-Ann continued to have remote input into RNHE affairs from Harare and continued for some time thereafter, to sit on the NTZ Council. All the way to her recent passing, she contributed to all its affairs.

Edone-Ann’s legacy remains visible at the RNHE and within NTZ.

Edone-Ann was a legendary figure in the life of NTZ over a number of decades and she will be sorely missed, but never forgotten.

Personally, over 11 years of my working with Edone-Ann and Aubrey, it was always an absolute pleasure and from which I learnt an amazing amount, both on heritage and cultural matters and on a personal level. We will always be grateful to Edone-Ann and Aubrey for their selfless dedication to Zimbabwe

David Scott

I was deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Edone Anne. I had the real honour of meeting her through the NTZ and we soon went from work colleagues to being good friends. I respected her opinion and work ethic tremendously. I have many fond memories of Edone from teaching me flower arranging to baking tips to enjoying a drink by her fireplace along with her beloved Aubrey. She lit up the room whenever she entered it and took the time to be gracious to everyone. She had this incredible talent of making everyone feel special. She gave her energy, time and wisdom freely to everyone that she met.

It was Edone Ann’s vision and drive to fulfill her own father’s determination to see the long dreamed-of  RHNE through to the vibrant and lasting legacy that it is today: a special historical place for all to experience and enjoy.

She ran many successful projects and organised events at the RHNE and I was so pleased when she won the INTO Special Grants Programme project of the year for a cultural heritage project with local school children, she thoroughly deserved the award. I admired her greatly; she always went the extra mile and put all of heart into everything she did. She was always super positive. Even after she retired from the Council she was always available to share her knowledge, for sound advice and support.

Her life story is completely awe inspiring. She was such a dedicated and selfless lady who worked tirelessly for the NTZ, a strong and determined woman. Always smiling…

She is now reunited with her precious Aubrey.

Sharon Waterworth

A great loss for the museum. Will be sadly missed at the museum and the whole of Nyanga for that matter and many parts of Zimbabwe. A great lady has come and gone. Condolences to her family. She was also well known at INTO and the international community through her work.

John and Charles Hyslop

I was shocked to hear about Edone Ann passing. She always had such strength.

We will all miss her and I will especially as she was good friend and always me lots of good advice on the wide range of things that she knew about. I will also miss her guidance: this is a great loss for the NTZ.

                                                                                                                                                        Fira Bache

What an AMAZING tribute to Edone Ann at her Thanksgiving Service at Base Church, Harare – it was truly a grand reflection of her dedication and her life, personal and what she did for so many people, causes and commitments!

Edone, you were such a shining beam of light in all your work and dedication to the RNHE and the area.

Your unstinting interest and generosity of time and effort to the community are unrivaled.

You always had a smile, a laugh and such a cheerful approach; nothing was too much and you tackled everything with such grace and professionalism. You served so many with such loyal service to others.

We are all going to miss you and everything you represented in your work for the NTZ at the RNHE.

May you find the rest and peace you now so richly deserve, with your beloved Aubrey. A well-deserved rest now, from the fullest and most satisfying life!! Your family can be so proud.

Such sad news. What a great loss to her family and the community she served so well and tirelessly and successfully. She devoted her time and emotion to such a great and worthy cause (NTZ) we will miss her immensely.

                                                                                                                                                    Lin Goncalves

We applaud the incredible work and effort of Edone Ann at the RHNE and all the projects that she was involved in. Least not of all her enrichment of the local community who also loved her so much.

The sculptor family of the late Jonathan Matimba sends their very best wishes.

With love to the family and to an incredible woman.

                                 Clare Peech

Edone-Ann Logan. What a loss to her family and Nyanga! Indefatigable and ever charming, innovative lady whose work will remain etched in the minds of those of us that worked with her at RNHE, NTZ and in the Nyanga Community. She was such a wonderful and extraordinary person.

Go well tireless Edone as you join Aubrey in the safe hands of the Lord.

                                                                                                                                               Willy Dhlandhlara

Condolences on the loss of Edone and our prayers with her family. May she rest in peace.

                                                                                                                                                   Busani Bafana

My sincere condolences may she rest in eternal peace. She will be greatly missed by the NTZ.

                                                                                                                                            Jackson Njunga

Tributes from two colleagues and friends

So sad to say goodbye today to a great friend, Edone-Ann Logan. A wonderful caring lady. Edone-Ann was a leading personality in the Women’s Institute and the NTZ, most especially the RNHE where she worked hard at broadening its content to include all communities, thereby ensuring a broad interest in our collective Zimbabwean heritage. Her sound advice, made with no interest in ego, personal positions and remuneration, will be missed.

I was privileged to work with Edone-Ann on a short heritage booklet on Nyanga. We see here our exploring the old settler cemetery at Nyanga village, the stone being that of Lord Baden-Powell’s infant granddaughter who died there in 1939.

We already miss you Edone-Ann. At rest after a life’s dedicated work for others.

                                                                                                                                                        Rob Burrett

So sad to learn the news about Edone Ann. One friend more left us, I am really sad.

My deepest condolences to her family and friends.

                                                                                                                                                   Innes Grainger


The members of the Rhodes Nyanga Historical Exhibition committee, NTZ Executive Council members together with some key stakeholders proudly celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Museum in style with a wonderful event held in December 2021.

The Museum has certainly come a long way since it first opened its doors to the public, the Committee would like to thank everyone for all their hard work and determination to succeed to house a unique public display of ancient manuscripts, photographs and other exhibits of interest relating to Nyanga and persons and events connected with its history and development.  The Committee would also like to extend a huge thanks to all it donors and people that have so generously donated items to the various exhibitions.

Champagne was served at the museum and everyone enjoyed delicious snacks which were kindly brought by Mrs. Honeyman and Mrs. Moore.


Some of the museum committee in attendance were: Mrs Merle Moore, Mrs June Weeks, Mrs. Gill Honeyman the NTZ Council representative, members of the Museum Committee and the adjacent Rhodes Nyanga Hotel and representatives from Zimbabwe Parks  and Wildlife Management Authority, Nyanga.

The Museum committee said that they will work hard to continually improve the historical information in the permanent collection, hold regular curated exhibitions and work with local schools on Cultural Heritage programmes.

The Rhodes Nyanga Historical Exhibition featured in this Tourism Lookout video

We have much pleasure in sharing a video produced by ‘The Tourist Lookout’ that featured the Rhodes Nyanga Historical Exhibition whist they were travelling around and highlighting the best ‘hidden tourist gems’ of the Eastern Highlands.

The video shows Marshall Nyanhanda, the Curator showing the team around and being interviewed.

Please Enjoy and share.

Annual report April 2017 – March 2018

May I begin with a complimentary paragraph taken from a report written by Archeologist/Teacher/Historian/Editor, Mr Rob Burrett, after  a visit to RNHE and World’s View in April, 2017.

Since my last visit in April 2014 the RNHE has expanded by leaps and bounds, both in quantity of material displayed and the quality of its content. It is becoming one of the more important historical depositories in the country. The team that has put it together must be commended for an excellent job. I was delighted to see the large number of visitors who were there the day I visited it (Easter Saturday 15th April 2017). It was diverse in ethnicity and age. The interest being shown by the African population is especially gratifying. We hope that this will encourage them to become more actively involved as this heritage belongs to us all and their engagement will ensure the long-term viability of the project”… We thank Rob for this encouragement and advice, and financial assistance when most needed.

Over the past year we have had two visits from Mr Scott and NTZ Councillors, all of whom have been helpful and supportive throughout.  In June Dr. Jonathan Zilberg, an authority on the history of  Shona Sculpture , visited Nyanga and spoke to members of the Committee on the well-known Nyanga Sculptors of the last century.  We were able to visit the homes of these men and meet family members.  This has led to an offer by the son of one sculptor to let us use some of his father’s work to display in the museum.

                                                                                            Dr. Jonathan Zilberg

Another important visitor was Dr Ines Grainger who came to view the Don Grainger Reading and Research Room, and tour the Exhibition.  Dr Grainger was happy with the freshly painted Room and mended ceiling, kindly renovated by Parks.

Dr. Ines Grainger chats with Curator Marshall Nyanhanda

In June Rob Burrett again spent time in the area, partly assisted by SOLON Foundation, undertaking field work at some isolated Nyanga schools, and speaking to teachers and senior students on the importance of  their cultural heritage.  He was able to explore heritage sites and give advice on protecting the sites.

                Archaeologist Rob Burrett discusses a field trip to pit structures in Cumberland Valley with Johnny Stockdale

Recently the focus of our Committee has changed slightly from purely improving and enlarging the Historical Exhibition, to encouraging Cultural Heritage projects in local schools. We were delighted in November when a presentation of our 2015 heritage project was made by NTZ at the International National Trust Conference in Bali, and was voted the best project!  This encouraged us to participate in a Cross-borders Heritage Project with Uganda and Sierra Leone, which involved school children using their cell phones to take short video clips of any heritage or traditional activity.  This was well supported by the schools, and thanks to a crowd- funding appeal through INTO, we were able to give monitory prizes to individuals and Heritage Clubs which produced the best videos.

The most important and challenging display undertaken by the Committee last year was the Zimbabwe Time Line.  All Members participated, each researching a 30-year period, and we now have on display 5 periods from BC until 1980.  The last period – 1980 to the present day, has been researched and written up for us by the teachers and pupils of the History Department of St. Monica’s High School.  We are looking forward to completing the Time Line with this excellent conclusion.


 Josephine Machopa displaying the 1920 – 1950 timeline                   June Weeks, Dalray Bailey and Merle Moore working on                                                                                                                                    the  Zimbabwe Timeline

 Naboth Machopa Organising the 1950-1980 display

Great interest is being shown already by the many school children who visit the museum.


Two young visitors in the Children’s section                       Visiting students in front of the Victorian section

Various displays have been moved and up-dated.  A section on saddelry and horses is being created with donations from members of the community.  More valuable books have been donated to the Reading Room. We are grateful to all members of public who give interesting and historic articles to display.

The RNHE signage has been renewed, thanks to NTZ.  The garden is looking lovely with new lavender replacing the old plants, plumbago flowering well outside the wagon shed, protea planted in the beds and generally a good make-over by Dal Bailey.

Before closing this report I wish to express my appreciation to Mrs Merle Moore, Vice-Chairman, who is holding the reins this year, organising special events with the support of the Committee Members and dealing with problems, correspondence and the general  running of the museum.  Marshall Nyanhanda is keeping the exhibits, buildings and wash-rooms clean and tidy and also dealing with the visitors, including large groups of school children, extremely well. Mr Geoff Hawksley holds the purse strings and somehow manages to pay our monthly expenses in this difficult financial climate.

To each and every Member and Ex-Officio Member, I wish to express sincere gratitude for your support and friendship – and hard work.

Edone A Logan.

Chairman RNHE

Rhodes Nyanga Historical Exhibition – Spirit of Place Statement

Join the many people that visit an astonishing public display of ancient manuscripts, photographs and other exhibits of interest relating to Nyanga and persons and events connected with its history and development. In addition there is memorabilia depicting the life and times of early Zimbabwe, from the local indigenous tribe’s people, through to the white settlers and together with the art, culture and traditions of this beautiful area.
The exhibits are housed in a historical building known as Rhodes Stables where once part of one of Sir Cecil John Rhodes’ country residences. The stables were built in 1897 and used for the stabling of horses and mules during the several visits which he made to Nyanga during 1897 and 1900.
Come and enjoy an insight into life as it was then.

Rhodes Nyanga Historical Exhibition Update August 2016

A number of items have been donated which are always a welcome addition and boost to the existing collection. All donations are much appreciated and acknowledged, as they go towards building what is already a fine collection of memorabilia and history of the area.

Following our gathering at Worlds View on the 23rd April – we met the following day for an Executive Committee Meeting at Rhodes Nyanga Historical Exhibition, which has been greatly boosted by a lot of care and attention over the past two years and is looking very ‘professional’. An enormous THANK YOU to Edone Ann Logan who has been the driving force behind getting the Exhibition into the excellent state it is now in, and to the many very kind and generous donors who have both lent, and given, many artefacts and memorabilia to the Exhibition.