The National Trust of Zimbabwe (NTZ) has been a member of the International National Trusts Organisation, (INTO) for a number of years now. INTO is the umbrella body for the worldwide family of heritage organisations, which come together to share experience, ideas and resources; to grow the capacity of existing trusts and establish new trusts in countries where they do not currently exist; and to be a global voice for matters of common concern. One of the ways, identified by the Board of Trustees, of strengthening what it means to be part of the INTO family, is reciprocal visiting.
Reciprocal visiting
INTO has been working with the world’s heritage trusts to make membership of the NTZ go much further!
The NTZ is proud to say that it is member of the recently launched ‘INTO Passport to Places’ scheme. We are super pleased to announce that you now have access to enter sites cared for by INTO members who have all agreed to extend reciprocal visiting privileges Your NTZ membership card is your ‘passport’ to free entry to some of the most amazing places around the world.
This map shows the many places where NTZ membership is currently welcomed:
You can check the local visiting arrangements and information by visiting the INTO website where you can access an interactive map that links you directly you to all the Trust sites involved.
So, if you are an existing member of the NTZ you can enjoy this wonderful and highly advantageous new member benefit as soon as international travel opens once again.
Or if you live in Zimbabwe and would like to join the NTZ in order to enjoy this new benefit (along with any others) please complete the membership form under the Membership tab.
We look forward to welcoming you at one of sites soon: they are open. Thank you very much.