Founded 1953
National Trust members are kindly invited to attend the HSZ Annual Luncheon, and for your support at any future.
Our speaker will be Dave Grant, the deputy head of Falcon College, an excellent speaker and fine historian.
I am, of course, fully aware of the current shortage of Zim dollars and the declining income of us all. We do need, however, to maintain the vibrancy, interest and fellowship of the Society, and it is important to keep-up events such as the one planned
Whilst I was hopeful of reflecting the cost of the luncheon in Zimbabwe dollars, with the recent escalation of rates and the likelihood of this continuing, this is no longer possible. The cost will therefore now be the ZW$ equivalent of US$ 23,00 at the RBZ rate of the day. This rate can easily be gleaned by accessing the website “market watch” alternatively you can contact me on my cell on 0772 265 884.
To give you some idea, the date on which I write this letter, 19th September, the rate is 14.12 so the cost if paid today would be ZW$324,76.
I am sorry to complicate the matter but I know that you know we are all trying as best as we can to deal with the extraordinary challenges this country throws at us!
I do hope that many of you will be able to attend the luncheon, details of which are as follows:
Date: Sunday, 13th October, 2019
Time: 12 o’clock noon for 12.30pm
Venue: Cresta Lodge, Mutare Road, Harare
Cost: The ZW$ equivalent of US$ 23,00 per person
Payable to: CABS, Account name: History Society of Zimbabwe
Account number: 1003139523
Booking deadline: 4th October, 2019
Booking and responses to: tim@ttc.co.zw
There will be a cash bar available.
When payment is effected, would you please also give your name. When you notify me of your booking please indicate the number and names of others in your party.
I very much look forward to hearing from you and am sure we shall have a very enjoyable and sociable luncheon on the 13th October.
Please kindly reply directly to me. My email address is as follows: tim@ttc.co.zw. Thank you.
With kindest regards
Tim Tanser
(National Chairman, History Society of Zimbabwe)
Best Regards
Charles Castelin
Membership and Communications Member
History Society of Zimbabwe, Mashonaland Branch